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On this page you'll find:

  1. Pre-Competition tasks
  2. Running Competition tasks
  3. Post-Competition tasks:

Here's an overview of the audit competition process on Hats. Keep in mind that you'll only be responsible for the tasks associated with your tier.

You can check out the different tiers on this page Introduction to the Curator Program.

Send a curator request

Before starting as a curator of a competition you need to send a curator request and get approved by Hats team. To do so, follow the steps shared in How to apply to be a curator


1. Audit Budget Estimation 🔍

2. Setting Up a Vault 🔒

3. Configure the Multisig ⚙️

4. Committee Members and Encryption Keys 🔑

5. Setting Severities 🕵️

6. Scope Section 🗒️

7. Vault Parameters 📉

8. Deploy the Vault 💻

9. Status Page 📊

10. Promote audit competitions 💬